J Poetry


Where the Sidewalk  Ends

By: Shel Silverstein

Where the Sidewalk Ends is a great book to read because it has so many fun poems. It will keep you laughing for a long time. It involves some of my favorite poems by Shel Silverstein such as Sick, Ickle me Pickle me Tickle Too, and True Story. This is a book that you love and cherish for a long time. -Annabelle
I have read this book multiple times and loved it more each time. There are so many poems that are very fun. I have many favorite poems and some I can relate to. I think these are awesomely written and you should read them! This is definitely I will always remember and cherish!-Bella

Falling Up

By: Shel Silverstein

Falling Up is another one of my favorites. It features Scale, Unfair, Crystal Ball,  Plugging In, and many many more fun poems. I am sure that you will love this poetry book. You may laugh you may wonder at or about the poems. -Annabelle

Every Thing On It

By: Shel Silverstein

This like all of the Shel Silverstein books you're not reading meaning full poems you're reading jokes.  If you're looking for more funny poems by Shel Silverstein, read this.-Norah